ultras eagles

        In life, decisions must be made. We are often confronted to situations where good judgment is required to achieve a certain goal or simply succeed in our different endeavors. Good judgment is the result of an important process which is critical thinking. Each one of us should seek acquiring this ...

ultras eagles

        هلَّ هلالُ رمضانَ فحازَني وَجدٌ بِمَن حازَهُ بُعدُ، فَتمنيت وقلت يا لَيتَني بُعدٌ وَيا لَيتَهُ وَجدُ. فرحةُ دخول رمضان وبلوغه شابَها وخالطها بعض الحزنِ واشتياقَ صاحبي المَسلوبَ حريتهُ أبى الشّوقُ إلا أن يحنَّ ضميرُ، فقلت ماذا سيخسر العالم لو تبادلت معك أطراف الحديث، تخبرني بها عن ضجرِ يومك وأُخبرك أنا عن ...

ultras eagles

    Since ancient history, humans sought forming groups to fulfill their most basic needs such as getting access to food, shelter, and protection. The notion of belonging was thoroughly researched in different social and psychological works. Aronson E., a renowned social psychologist, defined humans as “social animals, creatures that are highly ...